
10 Adorable Easter Bunny Crafts for Kids – Easy & Fun DIY Ideas

Easter is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than by spending some creative time with your little ones?

Crafting is not only a fantastic bonding activity, but it also lets kids explore their imagination while preparing for the holiday.

Today, I’m sharing 10 Easter Bunny crafts that are simple, fun, and perfect for kids of all ages.

So grab your craft supplies and hop into these bunny-themed projects!

1. Paper Plate Bunny Ears

You’ll need: Paper plate, pink construction paper, scissors, glue, and markers

Start by cutting out the center of a paper plate to create a bunny face.

Next, cut out two large bunny ears from pink construction paper and glue them to the top of the plate. Use markers to add eyes, a nose, and a mouth.

Your little ones will have a blast customizing their bunny faces, and it’s a perfect decoration for the Easter table!

2. Cotton Ball Bunny Craft

You’ll need: Cotton balls, construction paper, glue, and googly eyes

This cute craft is a favorite for younger kids!

Simply glue cotton balls in the shape of a bunny’s body on a sheet of construction paper.

Add googly eyes and a little nose made from a pom-pom.

You can even cut out bunny ears from pink and white paper to add more personality!

3. Egg Carton Bunny

You’ll need: Egg carton, scissors, paint, cotton balls, markers, and glue

Repurpose an old egg carton to make a fun bunny!

Cut out a section of the carton to serve as the bunny’s head and body.

Paint it in fun pastel colors, and glue on a cotton ball for the tail.

Draw on bunny eyes, whiskers, and a nose.

It’s a fantastic way to teach kids about reusing materials.

4. Bunny Footprint Art

You’ll need: Paint, paper, and a paintbrush.

This one is adorable and can be used as a keepsake!

Dip your child’s feet in paint and press them on a piece of paper to create bunny footprints.

Add some bunny ears, eyes, and a nose around the prints to complete the look.

It’s simple but so sweet!

5. Pom-Pom Bunny Craft

You’ll need: Pom-poms, googly eyes, glue, pipe cleaners, and construction paper

Bunnies made out of fluffy pom-poms are just too cute!

Glue two or three pom-poms together to create the body and head, and then add googly eyes, a tiny pom-pom nose, and pipe cleaner whiskers.

You can even use paper to create bunny ears and a cute little tail.

6. Bunny Bookmark

You’ll need: Cardstock, markers, scissors, glue, and a ribbon

Create a bunny bookmark that your little ones can use for Easter reading.

Cut a strip of cardstock, and decorate the top with bunny ears, eyes, and a little nose.

Add a ribbon at the top to make finding your place in a book easy.

This craft is both helpful and adorable!

7. Easter Bunny Suncatcher

You’ll need: Clear contact paper, tissue paper, scissors, and construction paper

A fun way to bring some color into your home!

Cut out a bunny shape from construction paper, then place clear contact paper behind it.

Have your kids tear or cut tissue paper into small pieces and stick them onto the contact paper inside the bunny shape.

Once finished, hang the suncatcher in a window to let the sunlight shine!

8. Bunny Paper Bag Puppets

You’ll need: Paper bags, glue, scissors, googly eyes, markers, and construction paper

Transform simple brown paper bags into fun bunny puppets!

Fold the top of the bag over to create bunny ears, and glue on a large cotton ball for the tail.

Use markers or construction paper to add eyes, a nose, and whiskers.

Your little ones can even put on a bunny show afterward!

9. Easter Bunny Rocks

You’ll need: Smooth rocks, acrylic paint, paintbrushes, and markers

Go on a little scavenger hunt for smooth, flat rocks, then paint them to look like bunnies!

You can paint the whole rock to resemble a bunny’s face or paint bunny ears on top.

This fun craft creates a cute Easter-themed decoration for your garden or home.

10. Bunny Sticker Art

You’ll need: Bunny stickers, paper, and crayons

Let your little ones create a bunny masterpiece with bunny-themed stickers for a no-mess craft.

Place bunny stickers on a blank piece of paper, and then have kids draw grass, flowers, or other Easter symbols around the stickers.

It’s quick, easy, and mess-free, perfect for younger kids.

Hop into Easter with these Easter Bunny Crafts

These 10 Easter Bunny crafts are fun and an excellent opportunity to spend quality time with your kids while celebrating the season.

Whether you want to decorate your home or create enjoyable keepsakes, these projects will bring joy to everyone.

Let the crafting fun begin, and don’t forget to share your bunny creations with family and friends!

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